Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Reason Why I Blog

Just got my blog back on track, opened it last year, but abandoned it. I didn't even remember the URL.

However, i decided to start again for many reasons, the first of which is stated at the top of this blog:

" This is a Journey of discovery,"
and that is what this life really is in many respects. Imagine trying to figure out in one life time, the mind of someone who has been throughout all lifetimes! Believe me, its not a days job.

therefore, I've decided to journal my journey to discovery.
So many ideas, so many plans, so many thoughts in so many different areas, that it tends to blow my mind; But i know that out of this flood of thoughts and ideas, GOD'S BIG IDEA for my life is hidden there, as it is with everyone of us.
So, its a journey full of lessons, so i better have my notebook and pen (or blog)handy, so i can always reference it as time goes on, and so someone else on this same journey of discovery can learn from my lessons, successes and mistakes.

This is to my Journey to discovery, and yours.
All the best, as we constantly strive to...