Monday, July 25, 2011


I write about a challenge not experienced by everyone. Only those who have come to the point of understanding by the spirit, acceptance by decision and salvation by grace can relate with this, and I say so in all humility and anticipation that any non-Christian reader may one day become a Christian.

How many in their quest for God, pursuit of purpose, and thirst for his leading have found themselves thorn between HIS will and their will?

Your heart burns to do something, the passion is real, the ideas are flowing, but that deep sense of uncertainty hunts you: “Is it God’s will for me, is it time?”

How many have found themselves slowed down by this feeling of uncertainty?
We know that anything we lay our hands upon with God’s approval or leading is bound to succeed, no matter how hard it may seem, but what do you do when you try to embard on an “impossible” feat, but lack that certain assurance that God is there?
You tend to wait, tell yourself you’re waiting for God’s time, or God’s leading or something else, but you simply don’t do anything.

Is this waiting on God or fear?
Is this dependence on God or leaving your responsibility to Him?
Is this a fruit of a weak relationship with God, that only runs to him at such times, rather than maintain a living relationship with him every blessed day?

Stay connected
Don’t expect God to act like a 911 emergency response squad, He wants a constant relationship, so build it, and keep it growing. With a constantly growing relationship with God, making decision come easier, coming before God to seek his face becomes natural and fun.

Find the Balance
I have come to know and believe that every aspect of my life is of importance to God, and a part of his purpose for my life, so weather is career based, ministry based or business based, I believe decisions should not be made without God. However, this has to be balanced, for there are decisions that God will never make for you, nor speak to you about, even if you pray from now to eternity.

Decisions based on basic scriptural principles like love, tolerance, faithfulness, diligence, righteousness cannot be contested. Don’t bother praying “Lord should I forgive him?”, “should I take the bribe now that I don’t have any money to survive on?” He will not answer you.

The degree of our ignorance of the scriptures and God’s absolute will in certain matters, increases the degree of our confusion at times of decision

The degree of our refusal to accept God’s laid down standards also increases our chances of being confused at tough times in life.

Give it time
Another problem we have when we desire to make choices based on God’s will is our refusal to actually take time out to sit with God, talk over the matter with him, and think deeply about the implications, costs, benefits, and whether or not we are really ready to commit ourselves to the task at hand.

Sometimes, we do our decision making in casual ways, pray about tough decision in passing, rather than setting time out to settle them. If it’s that important to you, then SET TIME ASIDE TO CONFRONT IT.

I Started out this post with questions and a burden in my heart, but I’m ending it with answers to my own question. This is I find to be one of the greatest blessings of writing, I end up blessed, sometimes, more than those who get to read it.
I think someone needs to pick up a pen and w rite!

...still living Deliberately.